Import/Export Services
“The Arawak Agency’s professional staff has over twenty-five years experience importing and exporting goods in Abaco, to and from all destinations in the US and worldwide”
Since more than 90% of all goods are imported into the Bahamas, it is essential to have a licensed, professional agent on site to ensure your shipment clears customs easily, and on time. Our experts at the Arawak Agency will ensure the smooth, head ache free transition of your goods through customs, and will be happy to advise you on all aspects and requirements concerning your shipment. For shipments to the outer cays, our agents will arrange to meet with customs on any cay or destination in Abaco for local clearance, while shipments on mainland Abaco can be transported by truck to any required destination.
Importing and exporting goods in the Bahamas can be a complicated endeavor, as paperwork, restrictions, regulations, tariffs, duty and other requirements change on an ongoing basis. When ever you are dealing with Bahamian customs, be sure to use an experienced, licensed and bonded customs agent well versed in the customs clearance process to avoid delays, and possible fines that may be incurred due to improper declarations and procedures. AA licensed and bonded by the Bahamian Government, our experts will calculate your rate of duty, which varies item to item, obtain all proper permits, post any bonds needed, and complete or review all customs paperwork, making sure your goods clear customs without delay.
What to Expect
If you wish to import goods into Abaco, your shipment can be sent from any point in the US, Canada, or other foreign country. We can receive you shipment from any licensed freight forwarder, and make the proper arraignments to bring it through customs, into abaco, Once your goods have reached the shipping port, simply instruct the shipper to contact the Arawak Agency notifying us of the incoming shipment, and we’ll take it from there. Once your goods have cleared customs, we will have them delivered to their final destination, or you can make arraignments to pick them up at the dock. Below is the basic information you will need to complete the process.
The shipper must supply a clearly legible invoice showing:
The suppliers name and address.
The clients name and address.
The destination name and address.
A detailed description of all items being shipped.
The exact quantities of all items being shipped.
If item is new, a sales receipt showing value paid.
If item is used, a document showing fair market value.
The items intended use.
If you are shipping any titled vehicle, such as a car, boat or golf cart, you must include the original title, and a bill of sale or receipt. In most cases, you titled vehicle must reach the shipping port at least 72 hours prior to being loaded for shipping.
Each major item such as a couch, TV, VCR, blender, etc., must be listed separately, smaller items such as dishes, kitchen utensils, linens, can be grouped together. If you have any question at all, please consult with one of our agents prior to shipping.
Once your shipment arrives in Abaco, complete with a bill of lading generated by shipping company, along with your invoice and paperwork, it will normally take three to four days to clear customs if all paperwork is in order. Please be sure all paperwork is filled out correctly, completely, with all values and quantities matching, and is free of corrections or alterations which can flag your shipment causing delays.
It is also very important to make an honest declaration in regards to quantities shipped, and the Fair Market Value for your goods. Trying to avoid duty by under declaring quantities shipped ,or the value of items, can tie your goods up in customs for days or weeks, and expose you to additional costs and penalties.